7SEASONS 起源於2013年的一個創作項目。
7SEASONS 的設計團隊在德國柏林的中心,每年創造兩個系列,每個系列大概50-80件。
作為 Umlauf & Klein的子公司, 憑藉母公司的大衣生產技術,7SEASONS也嶄露頭角。
「在柏林,您會不期然的吸收了他的多元文化,這個城市節奏快速,您要不停的調節來適應市場。這提醒著我的設計也要與時並進,不斷創新」設計總監Ulrike Demmin說
他們的設計總監 Ulrike Demmin 和 設計師 Linda Migliore都是非常富有經驗,而設計師Linda 女士更在中國住過。
我們的設計充滿熱情,注重細節,不斷創新,讓設計個性化,我們希望7Seasons 的外套除了溫暖,也讓穿著者感覺良好。除了大衣,為了令這個系列變得更完整,我們也加入了舒適的毛衫和牛仔褲。
The concept k customer is in the prime of her life. She has a sophisticated taste and has her own style. Still, she occasionally seeks advice in questions of style and fashion. She looks for clothing which is both fashionable and wearable. concept k is the fashion label for the modern woman, which combines day-to-day wearability with new trends.
Our concept k designers make collections which allow our customer to be true to herself every day. Our Berlin design team picks up new trends and implements them skilfully. Even up to the smallest detail, concept k strikes the balance between wearability and fashion, thus offering our customer something special for every day:
Casual Luxury